Log Window

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It'll hold all information about process:




There are:

 - Text box with process description

 - Time running on Phase 1: Log Status Fase1

 - Time running on : Log Status Fase2

 - Folders found: Log Status Folders

 - Files found: Log Status Files

 - Files discarded: Log Status Files Discarded  (example: files doesn't match a specified file spec).





Other OptionsList Log Popup Menu


To get other options, right-click on any part of the Log's window, and a pop up menu will appears.


You can choose to:


 * Save log to file: you may save the log file in RTF (Rich text format) to preserve colors, or just as TXT (simple text file).


 * Clear all log entries: this option will clear all entries on the log. You'll be asked to confirm this request.


 * Select all: this option will select all entries on the log.


 * Clear selection: this command will clear only the selected portion of the log's content. You may select text as with any word processor.