can select this tool from Comparator Fast's Tools Menu or
from your Window's Programs Menu, under Comparator Fast.
It's like a Wizard, step by step tasks/options
selection, or Advanced Users can use the
Main Menu and their keyboard shortcuts to switch to desired
and Drop files from Comparator Fast's results, Windows Explorer
or any application capable.
Files/folders dropped to Touch Files's window,
will be added to the list of Files to Process.
your Computer's clock.
On the Tools menu, is an option Internet Time, Just choose
the time server of your preference, type in the server's box
your own time server, and click Go. Just that ! Easily, your
computer's clock will be synchronized with precision Date/Time
from "Atomic Clocks" servers.
to System Tray for later use.
You can choose to keep Touch Files on hand, minimize it to
system tray and just have to click it's icon to open, or right-click
it's icon for a pop up with quick options.
Box with information on hand.
You'll get (on network environment) your logged User name,
Computer's Name, and privileges (if using NT, Windows 2000,
Windows XP or better), along with your detailed Window's version
and Windows Uptime (time your computer is running since turned
more information, consult Touch Files Help.